
A collection of information, practical tips, and thoughts about therapeutic work, our mind and bodies, self-empowering practices, and life.  

Is Stress Good or Bad?
Is Stress Good or Bad?

Discover the intricate balance of stress in our lives. Explore how the HPA axis influences your health and learn strategies to transform stress from a burden into a catalyst for growth.

Talking is Silver…
Talking is Silver…

In both my coaching and therapeutic work, communication is a regular topic. Recently, silence and the discomfort that it brings for many people has featured in several conversations prompting me to...

Let’s Talk! Effective Communication Skills
Let’s Talk! Effective Communication Skills

Are you a good communicator? Do you wonder if you could be better?  Good communicators can both listen and talk. They can stay present, patient, and engaged in the conversation. Being a good...

Test Yourself: Burnout Self Assessment
Test Yourself: Burnout Self Assessment

Burnout can affect anyone, from savvy professionals in high-pressure jobs to people in the helping professions and students. Individual factors, such as personality traits and family life, make some...

5 Instant Ways To Calm Down
5 Instant Ways To Calm Down

Discover 5 Instant Ways To Calm Down, From Naming Emotions To Using Cold Water. Regain Control In Moments Of High Anxiety And Stress.

Connecting With Your Inner Child
Connecting With Your Inner Child

The Inner Child is a symbolic representation of the childlike aspects of one's psyche. The concept is often used to help personal growth in the healing process from unresolved past experiences or...

Self Assessment for Mental Health
Self Assessment for Mental Health

Check your mental health with this quick, confidential, and clinically validated self-assessment. Feeling stressed, anxious, depressed? Something is not quite right but you’re not sure if therapy is...

How to Find the Right Therapist?
How to Find the Right Therapist?

What do these letters behind therapist’s names mean? How many sessions will I need? What kind of therapy is right for me?

Dealing with Stress and Overwhelm
Dealing with Stress and Overwhelm

What Is Chronic Stress? How Does The Stress Cycle Work? What Are The Effects Of Stress On My Body and Mind? Learn To Recognise Overwhelming Stress and Anxiety And Ways Of Coping Better.

R.A.I.N. calms me down
R.A.I.N. calms me down

Are you struggling with stress, anxiety, and sometimes overwhelm? Try this brief practice to help calm yourself down and transform difficult emotions by expanding your awareness. The term R.A.I.N....

5 Tips to Overcoming Imposter Syndrome
5 Tips to Overcoming Imposter Syndrome

Overcoming Imposter Syndrome. How do you know you have it? Where does it comes from? How can you overcome your fear and break free from it?

7/11 Breathing Technique
7/11 Breathing Technique

How to Deal with Stress, Overwhelm, and Anxiety more Helpfully? Learn this Simple and Short Breathing Technique That Helps to Relax and Regain Composure.

Bullying in Organisations
Bullying in Organisations

Learn About Bullying In Organisations. Who Does It and Why? How Does Bullying Effect People? How To Spot And Address Bullying Behaviour At The Workplace.

In-house Counselling Service
In-house Counselling Service

Bespoke In-house Counselling Service for the Corporate Sector. Versatile Programmes offering Confidential Staff Counselling, Resilience Seminars and HR Support.

10 Tips for Better Sleep
10 Tips for Better Sleep

What Makes For Better Sleep? Tips For Creating A Good Bed Time Routine And Healthy Sleeping Habits That Help Relax and Gain Energy.

Low-cost therapy services in London
Low-cost therapy services in London

What Low-cost Talking Therapy Services In London can we recommend? What Type of Therapy do they offer? Will they see me Longer Term?

What is Mindfulness?
What is Mindfulness?

Learn what Mindfulness is and how you can benefit from it. Better leadership, decision making, stress reduction, help with anxiety and depression.

Emotional Regulation through Breathing
Emotional Regulation through Breathing

In response to what we are doing and how we are feeling, the rhythm of our breathing changes. It speeds up with physical exertion or emotional distress, and it slows down during sleep or periods of...


Tapping into our vulnerability takes courage. Not for the faint of heart!

Professional memberships

   Yoga Alliance Senior Yoga Teacher


Approved healthcare provider for insurances: AllianzAviva, CignaPruhealth / Vitality Health Insurance.